U3.5 Pax Britannia: Skin for LairWare’s Ultima 3 Port



I forgot to mention this: Andrew Owen recently released the U3.5: Pax Britannia graphics tiles in a format that can be imported for use as a skin in LairWare’s enhanced port of Ultima 3 for OS X.

You can find the tiles at the Pax Britannia subdomain’s download page. The instructions to install them are fairly straightforward, if you know your way around an Apple OS:

Download these three images, right-click the application and select Show Package Contents. Then drop the image files in the Graphics folder. Select ZX Spectrum from the tile preferences.

So if you happen to have the LairWare Ultima 3 port installed, by all means give the Pax Britannia tiles a test. You’ll get an early taste of the look of said game!