To Whomever Contacted Us About the Ultima Underworld 2 Source Code…

Ultima Underworld 2
The Ultima Codex does not currently have a copy of the Underworld 2 source code in its offline archives; indeed, at present, we have only managed to archive the Ultima 9 source code. We would hopefully like to add it to the offline archive one day, for posterity and the future use of any interested EA (or EA-licensed) developers.
But I digress: the email address used to submit the inquiry proved to be invalid; I’ve tried sending two or three messages to it, in order to answer the inquiry that was made, and all have been bounced back to me along with an error message informing me that no such inbox exists.
So…whoever you are…I’d really like to get you an answer to your inquiry, but at present I cannot do so. If you’re reading this, please hit up the contact form again, and please provide me with an email address I can actually reach you at.