Sword Coast Legends: Narrative Director Jay Turner Says Hello


One further note about the recently-announced Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms RPG, Sword Coast Legends. In addition to the fact that the project lead is BioWare alum Dan Tudge, the lead writer and narrative director for the game also hails from BioWare:

I’m Jay Turner, Narrative Director for SCL. I’m also writing the majority of the story, dialogue, etc. for the game, along with help from our leads team and our designers on the project. We’re working closely with Wizards to make sure the story is aligned with the Forgotten Realms and as awesome as everything else you see what that legendary imprint.

For my credits, I’ve worked on Jade Empire, all three Mass Effects, Dragon Age: Origins, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel, and Dead Space 3. I’ve also been playing D&D since I was but a wee lad, and running it (and other tabletop RPGs) for more than 20 years.

We’ve got an awesome team and an insanely awesome game, and I think you guys will be pleased with what we’re putting together. Thanks for your interest!

Mr. Turner has had a rather interesting history with BioWare:

…a writer at BioWare Montréal, where he has worked since July, 2009. Before that, he worked at BioWare Edmonton, working on Jade Empire and Mass Effect as Editor before taking a role as Writer on Dragon Age: Origins. He went on to serve as the writer for Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood and Mass Effect: Galaxy before joining the team for Mass Effect 2, which took him to Montréal.

He is responsible for writing most of Oghren and a bunch of side quests here and there (Korcari Wilds, Blackstone Irregulars, Mages’ Collective, among others).

My recollection of Dragon Age: Origins has faded somewhat, but if memory serves, Oghren was one of the better and more memorable characters. Indeed, just about anything to do with the dwarves in that game featured pretty solid storytelling.

So that’s definitely a plus for Sword Coast Legends.

(Hat tip: Infinitron Dragon)