Slashing Dragon Plays Ultima 9, Day 4

It rhymes with “zoo”, but isn’t spelled that way.
Last time I forgot to express my general feelings about the dungeon Despise; in general I found it to be pretty linear, but the theming was pretty cool, loved how it was mixed with a cavern, and the little secrets along the main path… I liked it, it’s certainly a great improvement over the dungeons of the previous games.
I think we all know how this part goes:
I found the mayor in Paws, he was saved from certain death by a crippled man, but he doesn’t care… he just wants me to free his daughter from a _tribe_ of goblins that are keeping her on a nearby house.
The Mayor gives me the Sigil of Compassion, the Blue Heart. So I journey to the shrine and restore it!
And as the screenshot above indicates, he did in fact restore the Shrine. So…what now?
Now, I wonder if going to Yew or Trinsic; those seem to be the most readily accesible towns; I also gotta find that pirate girl and show her the proof of my avatarhood.
If you are particularly skilled with the jumping mechanic in the game, it is actually possible to reach Yew straightaway; DOUG the Eagle Dragon has prepared a guide for that. Trinsic…well, let’s let Slash figure that one out for himself.