Confirmed: Underworld Ascendant Set In THE Stygian Abyss…From Ultima Underworld

The latest updated posted to the Underworld Ascendant Kickstarter page is, as was promised yesterday, quite a lengthy update indeed…and it gives some new information about the races that populate the Stygian Abyss, the setting of the game.
But perhaps more importantly, the update confirms what I think we all already suspected: yes, it is THAT Stygian Abyss, the same on as was the setting of Ultima Underworld:
The earliest recorded exploration of outsiders venturing into the Stygian Abyss was a small band of humans, led by the stout-hearted knight Cabirus. Cabirus was a dreamer, and held a vision of establishing a utopian colony within the Abyss. Half-remembered stories tell of how he nearly succeeded against all odds. Then the stories tell of how Cabirus’ plans faltered, and fell into ruin. It is presumed he and most of his band were wiped out by the monsters that dwell in the Abyss, where once again darkness and chaos ruled.
In Underworld Ascendant, you return to the Abyss as the Avatar generations after the events of Cabirus’ failed colony. You come as a human from our earth, stepping through a Rune Gate to magically travel across space and time to reach this fantasy realm. At first you are a ‘stranger in a strange land.’ You are dropped into the Abyss nearly naked, knowing nothing of the lay of the underworld, nor how to survive.
You will need to learn fast; the Abyss is an unforgiving place for the unwary. Yet it is not all monsters and dire foes. Others, humans and non-humans, have made a home in the Abyss. Some are friendly and may welcome you. Over time they can teach you the ways of the Abyss and help you survive its perils.
This dark and mysterious underworld will become your new home…
As noted previously, descriptions of all three of the races that populate the Abyss are also given.
The Dark Elves
The Dark Elves are more recent newcomers to the Abyss. A few generations back a clan of Dark Elves broke free from their enslavement under a dark wizard in the far lands of New Britannia. The clan escaped through a portal to reach the Abyss, and quickly established a thriving colony.
Fiercely independent, Dark Elves strive to hone their skills through mental and physical contest. They take honor in testing themselves against the Abyss, believing its brutal nature will make them more able to overcome any challenge, and ensure that they’ll never be enslaved again.
It would seem that ultimately only the Dwarves survived as denizens of the Abyss in the aftermath of the defeat of the Slasher of Veils:
The Dwarves
The stout Dwarves are known for their ability to eke out an existence in the harshest conditions. While these rugged mountain-folk may lack the tact and patience needed for the art of diplomacy, they are shrewd traders, and well-skilled at hunting, mining, building, and fighting.
Dwarves possess sensitive low-light vision, but still require sources of light to see. They prefer a cool, dry environment, which is also the ideal condition for the Cave Rye they grow as a staple crop.
The Dwarves have a strong sense of ownership over the Stygian Abyss, having built much of its infrastructure over the ages.
And then there are these folk:
The Shamblers
The enigmatic Shamblers are a race of sentient fungal beings, who are believed to possess a hive-mind intelligence. Groups have been observed locked in wordless communication, silent but for the flute-like rushing of wind through hollow tubes that grace their upper arms and neck.
The Shamblers function perfectly well in total darkness, lacking any use for light beyond rituals and reproductive rites. They prefer warm, damp environments to grow their fungal crops. Everywhere Shamblers inhabit becomes covered in a softly glowing fungal mat called Sour Sponge.
Okay, that’s more than enough in the way of excerpts. There’s much more to read, however, so do click on through and read the whole thing. And if you’ve not yet backed the game, please do; they really should have hit the $600,000 goal by now.