Daily Archive: July 14, 2014
The crowdfunding campaign for Ananias, the mobile-friendly, browser-based roguelike, has been relaunched. And the game’s newest updated brings art improvements with it, among other things.
Pix has been playing through Joseph Propati’s board game adaptation of Ultima 1, offering his thoughts on its implementation and relation to the original game.
Eric Fry has made a number of updates to the Nuvie engine recently, as he works on adding support for Martian Dreams to it.
How did Gamasutra manage to write an article about the fifteen-year development history of Divinity: Original Sin and not mention Ultima 7 once?
“It’s like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.”
Richard Garriott gave a presentation at the National Space Society ISDC Conference a while back, which was entitled “Opening the Floodgates to Entrepreneurial Space Exploration”. QGITS caught up with him for an interview thereafter.
Another one from the “I didn’t find time to post this” file. Scott Jennings, on Facebook, quipped that this was “peak E3”; Jessica Chobot caught up with Richard Garriott for an interview. (And here...
I missed posting this when it was current: here’s an interview VentureBeat did with Richard Garriott and Starr Long back during Shroud of the Avatar’s Release 6 pre-alpha test.
Testing a new sidebar element/site feature.
“The first fragment, called the Heart of Earth, fell to Lithos, who keeps it in the fabled Pit of Death.” – The Destruction of the Temple, Ultima 8