Monthly Archive: July 2014
Electronic Arts has announced that Ultima Forever’s online services will be shut down on August 29th, 2014, rendering the game unplayable past that date. This is a tragic end to a once-promising game.
Wallpaper for the week. Via The Paper Wall.
Avatars of the Shepherd class in Ultima 9 can never max out their stats.
Pix has updated his venerable Ultima Patcher to incorporate the recent Exodus Project Ultima 3 upgrade improvements.
The Elderlands team overhauled the game’s website back in April, and have been busy working on the game since then.
Andrew Owen has also posted the map of Minoc as it will appear in U3.5: Pax Britannia. And he has finalized the NPC list for the game.
Eurogamer sat down with OtherSide Entertainment’s Paul Neurath for a chat about Underworld Ascension. In it, we learn the exact nature of OtherSide’s arrangement with EA.
“The headless seem to be the result of a bizarre and cruel prank on the part of some powerful human or possibly nature itself.” – A Safe Passage Through Britannia, Ultima Underworld 2
Ananias, the mobile-friendly, web-based roguelike, has been updated to version 1.19…as has its Android version.
Andrew Owen has released an image of Trinsic as it will appear in U3.5: Pax Britannia.