OpenMW: OpenCS Above All, Linux Game Award Nomination


The OpenMW team posted a short update recently about their OpenCS toolset:

Thanks to SirHerrbatka and Zini’s efforts, OpenCS now features the functionality mentioned in last week’s post. For your viewing pleasure, the preview and editing views in all their glory.

They also offered a short project status update:

Aside from that, we have fixes, fixes, fixes, and Scrawl. Like every other week, Scrawl dealt with some nasty bugs (this time having to do with NPCs not falling down). Slothlife, meanwhile, has included support for saving the current weather state in savegame files. I think that loading and saving the state of a character’s spells list should also appear soon.

And more recently, the project has been nominated for the Project of the Month nod (I assume for April?) at the Linux Game Awards.