I Missed Last Week’s Shroud of the Avatar Map Piece, So This Week’s Map Update Has Two Of Them

I dropped the ball last week, owing to the fact that a dishwasher installation consumed an inordinate and wholly unexpected amount of my free time during the week. That, and it’s Holy Week in the Christian faith tradition…always a busy time for me and mine.

As a result, I missed reporting on the map piece revealed in this Update of the Avatar.


And because Dallas Snell is evidently a relentless, newsletter-producing robot who never takes holidays, there was another Update of the Avatar posted on Good Friday, with yet another map piece in it.


This added…well, a number of new names and places, of both towns and geographical features:


I also had to correct the spelling of Norgard, the astute reader will note.

And remember: the unlabeled map, as well as the original map of Novia, can be found on this page.