Shroud of the Avatar: Another Map Piece Revealed With Quite a Lot of Detail

It being Friday, there is of course another Update of the Avatar posted to the Shroud of the Avatar website, albeit a bit later than usual. And of course, there’s another map piece…two, in fact…included therewith:



The first piece is new, and reveals a fair bit of new information…at least as far as the names of points of interest around Novia are concerned. The Spectral Peaks (a mountain range), the river Solace (which explains the name of the town Solace Bridge), the town of Solania, and The Phiteguards (another mountain range) are all revealed to us with this one map piece:


The second map piece is actually a slight re-working of a piece we saw several weeks ago. The change made is slight, and was made to comport with something mentioned in Blade of the Avatar. I’ve left the old piece in place on the map above; see if you can spot the difference.

And don’t forget: you can find the unlabeled map over on our Shroud of the Avatar subdomain.

3 Responses

  1. Sir Bolo says:

    Translation error: the “phiteguards” should be “whiteguards” – which actually makes sense 😉

  2. Sir Bolo says:

    Also “spetral” –> “spectral”

  3. WtF Dragon says:

    Ah, quite. I’ll add the corrections as soon as I’m able.