Ultima IX Redemption: Paws Screenshots, Empath Abbey Teaser Image
Corv posted this update to the Titans of Ether website a few days ago, to showcase — or re-showcase, as the case may be — a number of screenshots from Paws as it appears in Ultima IX: Redemption. Some of these we’ve seen before, as Corv acknowledges:
There are already some Paws screenshots in the old Media archive, but here you have some more (in 1920×1080). I might do the same with other areas you have already seen before.
And then there’s these two images:
- Before
- After
If you’ve played Morrowind, you may have already grasped the significance of the interaction depicted in these two pictures. If not, Corv explains it thusly:
…it shows clearly that you can harvest corn, other vegetables, mushrooms, fruit… in Redemption. You see the results in the game world, which means the corn, apple, carrot,… is not only in your inventory but also gone from where it was before. In Morrowind you simply opened a “container”, the plant stayed the way it was.
Also, general disclaimer:
Everything you see is, of course, still work in progress and all screenshots you see were still made in the original Morrowind engine, not yet in OpenMW.
So we can probably expect Paws to change a fair bit from what is depicted above.
Oh, also: if you’re registered at the Titans of Ether forum, check out the image in this thread. The screenshot of Empath Abbey therein is quite impressive.
Something to note is that you need to log in to view Redemption forum threads, so that Empath Abbey screenshot can’t be viewed without having an account there.
That’s not completely true. You don’t need an account for any of the forum sections but one, the “Insider” section. This is the section where we post little previews of things (like Empath Abbey) or some other little goodies. the point of this is to motivate people to create an account and actually participate in the Redemption “community”. 🙂
I admire the objective, but we need a more universal and easily-connected community. We should post more here, or wherever best serves that goal. There is too much fragmentation in the wider Ultima community; far too many sites with far too many forums and sub-forums. Sometimes I think I’m the only one who frequently comments on Aiera/Codex articles these days, and that saddens me to the point of occasionally wondering if I’m bothering people by posting.
Which reminds me, I need to create an account on titansofether.com. 🙂
We use the forum also as central (but of course hidden) team communication tool. It’s where the team “lives” and we also want everyone else there who is interested in Redemption. Our “home” and all the advantages it brings is one of the many reasons why we are still around.