U3.5 Pax Britannia: 3D Dungeon Code Nearly Complete (Video!)


Andrew Owen posted a short status update in the Ultima Dragons Facebook group concerning his Ultima-inspired RPG for the ZX Spectrum, U3.5: Pax Britannia:

The 3D dungeon code is almost complete, although I suspect a bug or two will emerge during testing. The code and data actually fit in just 24K.

He also uploaded this video to demonstrate the engine in action (albeit using “dummy” level data):

This looks really good, I have to say…and it all runs within a tiny memory space, smaller (probably) than what this post requires in terms of raw storage (let alone the RAM required to display it).

1 Response

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    That is god damn amazing. Pax Britannia, much to my surprise (though by no fault of its own but rather my jaded sensibilities), is shaping up to be one of the premier Ultima projects under active development. Keep up the good work, and making videos like this one is a great idea. Between Andrew and Goldenflame I’m more stoked than I ever thought I would be about Ultima-inspired projects. Hear that Jc/FEARYOURSELF? Rejoin the party!