The Black Gate Board Game Has Been Cancelled; New Project In the Works
- Ultima 7…as a board game.
Lucifuge Dragon has some good news for us, and some very bad news as well. And I think you can all guess what the bad news is:
When I first started on the Black Gate the primary motivation was nothing more than the fact that I felt a board game based off of Ultima 7 would be fun and challenging to make. I can honestly say I have had way too much fun building and playing this game. Since day one it has remained on my mind consistently as I thought of new ways to improve and polish the game play, or thinking of new elements to add into the system. The very first time we sat down to give it a shot, it was clunky to saw the least. It was like pushing a wagon with square wheels. As time progressed, the sharp corners on the wheels began to smooth out and become round. While it is not perfect, I gush with pride when I receive positive feedback on it.
Part of the games charm is the wood coins and tokens, these aren’t something most people can make as not everyone has access to the technology and they aren’t really replaceable with much else. I did a rough cost of having a copy of the game reprinted with proper game cards, a set of laser cut tokens and game miniatures. The price is near $200. This is not something the average person would be willing to spend on something like this, and a free home printed version of the game is not an accurate representation of what I want it played as.
The Unity project was destined to be the remedy to these problems. About 10 years ago I attended art college for game and design. Upon graduation I got involved with the film industry where I still remain today so I have not had much opportunity to practice some of my skills specifically in game arts. I recently made significant headway into the realm of scripting, and I am still plugging away. It’s been an entirely new adventure with the game, something I am enjoying greatly. It’s been a nice change of pace exploring Unity and it has really opened my eyes to other possibilities.
Have you guessed what’s coming next yet?
If you haven’t gathered from my negative tone already, I am plunging the ceremonial dagger into the heart of The Black Gate, both its board game and Unity versions. It’s a bummer, I know, and I have a feeling a few of you will be choked with me after loyally following the progress of it for the last 7 or 8 months so I’ll apologize for getting any hopes up. All I can say is thank you for showing interest, it’s the only reason that I took it this far. 🙂
Well…that sucks, doesn’t it? I’ve reached out to Lucifuge Dragon concerning the game assets that he has created to date, in the hopes that at least some of these might be saved (even if the complete game in its present form is never, ultimately, released online in any form). At the very least, the project’s gorgeous map of Britannia (pictured above) deserves to be archived for posterity.
Not all is doom and gloom, however:
I really have faith in my game system. I enjoy playing it, I enjoy watching people play it. It has potential, and with a lot more work I think I can take it further than I could if it remained a fan project. I have spent the last 5 weeks starting the process of building an original IP for the game. I have recruited the help of talented people, one of which is a fantastic writer with a razor sharp, creative mind. I have brought him aboard to recreate all the games content from scratch and it is sounding quite splendid so far. The games mechanics will remain somewhat similar at it’s very core, but the story and content we are building is a fun, creative little world that I am liking more and more each day. It is being written for the system as opposed to building the system for the story.
This will allow me to look into crowd-funding in the future to help it off the ground and get the game to it’s full potential.
So rest assured, I suppose: we haven’t heard the last from Sixth Circle and Lucifuge Dragon. Whatever game he ends up creating next, and whatever story it tells, will have a bit of Ultima at its core.
Contact me if you need help with the laser cutting, I have access to one and create my own stuff!!!!
I would love to help out on ultima 7 the black gate game!
Man, that really sucks. I was very much looking forward to playing this. It would be wonderful if the physical board game was released as it is for us fans who don’t mind spending $200.
Given that the Black Gate is my crown jewel of all video games of all time, I’d have gladly paid $200 for something like this :-\
Am I the only one who thinks this is kinda weird? Totally unexpected considering the rate and quality of development.
Anyway, it would be nice to release the art assets and code as CC-BY-something-or-other so someone else can take up the project if they like. There was a lot of excitement in the community for this project.
I knew some people would find the game neat but I never really expected some of you to take such a liking to it. That’s a big reason I kicked it into high gear for development and, to be honest, it’s turned out better than I hoped it would be. I’ve surprised myself a bit with the progress made, all of these things factored into the decision of ripping the skin off and pushing it further. It’s the best option for myself and the game.
I love everything about Ultima, but I don’t own it and I never will. The game in it’s current state is significantly expanded and improved from when you last saw it, all of which I couldn’t have done keeping it as it was. I’ve been able to trim the fat from the game play and properly tailor it to a better system.
I know it was sudden and I felt like a dumb-ass delivering the news, I promise you that. I even caught myself off guard when I began switching gears. As I told WtF, the Black Gate is not in the waste bin. I’m also not prepared to release anything from it just yet. It’s just how it is, i’m flying by the seat of my pants here. Before this point there hasn’t really been much of an agenda.
Edit: I also really didn’t want to let my website just go stale and leave everyone hanging for 6 months so I thought it would be best to deliver the news now instead of later.
Lucifuge, thanks for an honest and heartfelt response. I think I know where you’re coming from now, even. There was a point when working on my game where (here on Aiera/Codex) I got into a discussion about whether or not the outline/continent of Britannia was under copyright and if a derivative work could be considered an infringement. I argued to death about how it would be okay, but based on the discussion decided I was going to stop using my custom heightmap of Britannia and use something “safe”. I decided on generating a map from USGS data of the Falkland Islands. I made the distasteful decision because I was dead serious about my game and didn’t want something relatively trivial to threaten its legitimacy or my progress.
I respect your decision. Ultima fans are passionate and get attached when the project’s really good. One thing you could include with the future board game, especially if you do crowdfunding for it, would be the files/plans for 3D printing the board pieces. It would come with cardboard pieces for immediate play, but players could take the included CD to Kinkos/FedEx and pay to print out real pieces if they wanted.
Or Portalarium could sanction it. “We’ll give you $100,000 to finish this board game and use these assets. You have until the end of the year, when its release will coincide with Shroud of the Avatar’s release.” That would be crazy. Hell, you might not even want to do an Ultima game. Maybe Metroid, Castlevania, or something original; a unique mix.
Thanks for understanding, you have been down a similar path and realize that the blood, sweat and tears that have gone into your project makes it not worth ending up on the wrong side of a lawsuit. Better safe than sorry. We’ll see what the future holds for The Black Gate, if there comes a time I’m comfortable making it’s assets available, I will most certainly consider it. Right now is not the time.
The new project is currently going the digital route with some pretty fun mechanics being explored. The other day I went back and played a Black Gate build from before I started butchering it and chuckled a bit at how much things have changed. What I have going now has branched off into it’s own entity. It feels good to know they exist separately.
As far as Portalarium sanctioning it, I won’t hold my breath. 🙂
As a side note, there is a board game out there based off of Monkey Island, I believe it’s print and play. I never played or looked much into it but I did see it maybe two years ago.
I’ve had a whack of ideas ever since I started on this game, a couple of them are based off two other Ultima’s and one was a tile based game themed with classic Fallout. If I had the time I would love to explore them.