Shroud of the Avatar: Update of the Avatar #59 Published, New Blade of the Avatar Chapter Published
It being Friday, a new Update of the Avatar has of course been published to the Shroud of the Avatar website. Curiously, in a break from the pattern of these Updates over the last while, there is not a new backer reward house being shown off in the update, although there is a video of the lighthouse that was revealed last week.
There were a handful of other backer rewards revealed, however, including a Star Citizen-related item…the Vanduul Polearm:
- Developer Tinkerer Certificate
- Star Citizen Vanduul Polearm
- Ancestor Tombstone
The other rewards seen here are a Tinkerer’s Certificate for Developer-level backers, and a tombstone that will display the name of Ancestor-level backers (or above, I assume) somewhere in the game world.
And there is, of course, yet another Blade of the Avatar chapter:
Chapter 8: Hilt
Evard Dirae, Craftmaster of the Cabal of Obsidians, rode his horse through the last and grandest of the gates of the fortress at Hilt. The challenge which the guards tried to voice at his approach died on their lips, each falling silent at the passage of a sorcerer.
Evard kept his cold, pale green eyes forward as he passed into the upper courts of Hilt. He did not need to look back down over the multiple concourses that formed the fortress. He had taken them all in with mounting anger as he rode up the various switchbacks, passing through each gate with increasing disdain. Now, as he passed through the final gate, he felt entirely too familiar with the grand structure and, so far as he was concerned, the true reasons for its existence were all too evident.
What had once been a small mountain bowl nestled above a steep, stony canyon, was now an unfortunately crowded construction site. A grand tower keep, far more impressive than practical, was nearly complete toward the front of the bowl just behind the still incomplete defensive curtainwall. The five cascades from the surrounding peaks contributed to the deep glacier lake at the back of the bowl. This, in turn, emptied into the swift moving river that plunged through a gap in the curtainwall and down its restricting channel over the concourses below. In every other otherwise reasonably dry spot, buildings of various size and designs were evident in every conceivable state of incompleteness. Some were cleared ground only, whose foundations had barely been laid out. Others had their walls partially completed with stone pillars standing free, either in their intended place or on their side. A very few others appear to be nearly complete, only lacking in a few finishing details such as a roof or doorway. The shod hooves of Evard’s horse rattled against the newly laid cobblestone paths which wound between the structures.
Such a pointless waste, Evard thought. A monumental conceit that served no real purpose…
Oh, and for those of you who love ever-increasing quantities of data, there are a couple new pages that have been published to the Shroud of the Avatar website: the pledge page (which offers a very concise graphical summary of the different pledge tiers), and the campaign statistics page.
There’s also a new map piece, but…I’ll get around to dealing with that tomorrow.