Nuvie: More Custom Ultima 6 Companion Paperdolls Added


If you follow the Nuvie changelog, you’ll doubtless have taken note of the fact that over the last few days, several more of the Ultima 6 companions have received custom gump graphics. Eric Fry and Malignant Manor have been adding HiPhish’s companion-specific paperdolls to Nuvie in a piecemeal fashion; Gwenno, Seggallion, Julia, Katrina, Jaana, Sentri, Leodon, Leonna, Gorn, and Blaine have all had custom paperdolls added in recent days.

As well, the death frames for Dupre and Sherry received some tweaking and correction in these same updates. In fact, according to the changelog, the companions are all basically done now, apart from the music-playing animations for Iolo, Gwenno, and Leodon.

Great progress as always from this team, in other words.

2 Responses

  1. HiPhish says:

    You are mistaken, custom paper dolls for all companions had been added already weeks ago. This is now about the character tiles you see in the main view. Go ahead and try out the latest snapshot and your companions will no longer look like any other generic NPC. There is still something I missed: the lute playing sprites for Iolo, Gwenno and Leodon. Currently they revert back to their generic tiles, but once I’m done they will be unique as well.