Shroud of the Avatar: Windmill Village Home and Village Mine Basement Revealed
What’s a Shroud of the Avatar development update without a new house design to show off? This week — or, rather, last Friday — we got a look at the Windmill Village Home, and this time there was even a video:
As you can see, the Windmilll Home compares favourably with the other Village Home offerings:
- The Windmill Home
- Alongside other Village homes
- And from the top!
And if I may say so, the interior of the Windmill is one of the nicer-looking player home interiors that we’ve seen thus far:
- Kegs. Ready for a party, this place is.
- From way above!
- And from floor-level.
But maybe I’m just a fan of vertical scale. Anyhow, you can grab the Windmill in the Shroud of the Avatar store for just $50 right now.
Also showcased this week was the Village Mine Basement, a new — and rather more rough hewn in appearance — basement option that can be added on to any player-owned Village, Town or City house:
- Deep into the earth!
- Magic room. Of course.
- Store all your stuffs.
- Really, this is more what you’d expect a medieval basement to look like.
This basement can also be purchased in the Shroud of the Avatar store, and is (at present) only available in a five-floor version.
This is also the last week in which backers will be able to purchase the Stone & Timber Basements in two-, three-, and four-floor versions; come next week, only the five-floor version will remain available.
A shame they didn’t show the mill part of the windmill. Or maybe they contribute to the crazy Tesla coil force field thingy rather than grinding grain or pumping water.