OldGamesItalia Needs Help Translating Ultima Underworld to Italian
Alakaupdate: If you have any suggestions, there’s now a forum thread to submit ideas in.
So, here’s an email I got recently, from the Ultima Underworld translation team at OldGamesItalia:
I am Gwenelan, from the website OldGamesItalia; we are trying to translate Ultima Underworld in Italian, but to do so we must see some of the sentences that the game shows while the player performs certain actions. I am in trouble with the sentences that should appear when there are traps in the game. I can’t seem to detect the traps. I read all the manuals, I looked online, I tried everything (and of course I built my character to be strong in the Traps skill)… but I just can’t make those sentences appear. Can you by any chance help me? Is there a particular way to see the traps, do I need another skill instead of Traps, or maybe a particular Stat (I have high Dex)?
Again, sorry for the bother, and thank you very much for reading my message :)!
I must admit I’m woefully unprepared to answer this question, so I’m turning it over to the community. Does anyone know of the existence of either a complete transcript of all in-game text, or else a utility that could be used to extract such information?