The Ultima 6 Remake: Pushme Pullyu, Demo Update, Help Wanted

Zygon Dragon published a short update to the Ultima 6 Remake website today, to let us all know that this Exult-based attempt to remake Ultima 6 is still alive and in progress.

First, the good news:

The demo right now is in testing phases, finding a lot of bugs and such that needed to be fixed before any sort of release.

Unfortunately, there’s some bad news as well…and it’s here that the team could use a hand:

The big issue right now is the title screen. You can read the struggle on the Exult forums, and I’m not exactly sure why it isn’t working. I’ve made two title screens, one from the original U6 title graphics and one that I altered the original black gate title screen from. Both title screens show up as either a garbled square, or blank (black screen with menu options). I’m not very literate with any sort of paint programs so the problem might be how I’m creating them, or if I’m even using the correct palette formats or something. So, if anyone out there wants to take a stab at this problem, please do. Maybe someone out there can create a title screen for us that actually shows up like the TFL title did in their mod. If you want to learn the basic stuff, here is the thread on the Exult forum that I have been following:

If you can create a working title screen for us, you’ll be credited for it and given our thanks, and a huge hurdle in releasing a demo will be cleared. I have exhausted all options on getting it done myself, I’ve tried everything I can think of. Hopefully, someone out there knows what they are doing and can help out.

But, to end the update on a positive note, Zygon also showcased the art for the Pushme Pullyu, one of the NPCs the Avatar encounters in Ultima 6. These were apparently the work of an anonymous contributor:

1 Response

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    You guys will probably solve this before me, but if you can please send me (or provide a link to) the working title screen and the one you’re trying to get to work. I can try to find differences, even if it comes to comparing them in a hex editor. I use GIMP as well. My email’s:

    kevinfishburne at eightvirtues dot com