Shroud of the Avatar: Male Avatar in Action, Edelmann House Poll

The latest update to the Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter page gives us a look at the male Avatar model, which Portalarium’s Geoff Mellon has been working on in earnest. There were some initial issues with the model’s arms, which were a tad too long:

However, Mr. Mellon quickly progressed to equipping the Avatar with leather armour:

He also took some time to draw up a couple pieces of cloth armour concept art:

Animator Bren Wilson, meanwhile, put the male Avatar to work straightaway:

Additionally, environmental artist Bob Cooksey is soliciting opinions from backers concerning the design of the Edelmann House, one of the backer rewards. Here’s one possible design for the home:


Backers are being asked to vote on this design, or one of several variations.

Oh, and do be sure to check out Tracy and Laura Hickman’s Sojourner Tales Kickstarter campaign!