Shroud of the Avatar: First Unity Scene Jam Winner Announced

In the latest project update for Shroud of the Avatar, Portalarium have announced the winner of the first Unity Scene Jam…the subject of which was New Britannia’s lunar rifts.

It was tough to choose the winner from among the top entries, but after much deliberation, Richard, Starr, and Chris unanimously chose Richard Matey as the First Place winner of our first Shroud of the Avatar Unity Scene Jam! Chris Spears prepared this video walking you through Richard Matey’s sweet looking scene. So crank the quality up to HD, switch to full-screen, and enjoy!

The runner-up entries were also announced. And while they didn’t get the video playthrough treatment, Portalarium still furnished us with screenshots of both submissions:

Coming in at Second Place is the team of Charles Howell and Mark A. Barros. Check out this cool image from their scene…And Third Place goes to Melchior Meijer…

Apparently, all three runners-up were also awarded pledge credits, as Portalarium was sufficiently impressed by their submissions. Whether that means all three received the full Knight-tier upgrade, I am not sure. Even so, it’s a nice move on Portalarium’s part.