Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter Update: Creating the Female Avatar
In yet another segment included in today’s lengthy update to the Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter page, Portalarium 3D artist Isaac Oster talks about the process of creating the female Avatar model for the game, showcasing his work with plenty of images taken at different stages of the process.
Rather than relying on concept artist Stephen Daniele for a reference image, Oster took it on himself (tough job, this) to find (ahem) reference material online and scuplt a basic 3D model in Zbrush:
- Reference images
- Initial sculpt
- More sculpting
- Face
- Retopology
And lest you fret, good readers, that this means there won’t be the option to customize your Avatar’s appearance in Shroud of the Avatar, here’s technical director Chris Spears addressing that concern:
As for the tech behind different sizes, the easy solutions are to do uniform scale on the character for tall/short etc. That works fine. To make players stouter the easy way is to scale only in 2 dimensions to make them thicker. This never really works though. The real longer term plan is that we will likely be using morph targets. Using those we give a thin version and a thick version and interpolate between them. So the above model would probably be 95% of the way to thin and 5% fat.
Back to the good Mr. Oster’s progress! The next step was to rough in a bikini and some hair to get a basic idea of the Avatar’s appearance:
- Upper body
- Front and back
- Hands
The model then gets “baked” and normal mapped before being broken up into pieces for texture assignment:
- Front, baked and mapped
- Back, baked and mapped
- Into sections!
The model is then textured, rendered, and imported into the game for some test scenes:
- Textured, front and back
- Face, front and profile
- Angular views
- In-game
Of course, no Avatar should venture into the wilds of New Britannia unprepared, so the next step was to create and texture a set of armor for her, based off of some concept art for the male Avatar’s armor supplied by Stephen Daniele. This resulted, ultimately, in the creation of a goodly number of smaller 3D objects, which can be seen in an exploded view below. Comparitively, creating the actual base Avatar model must have been a breeze:
- Initial sculpt
- Textures
- Textures, applied!
- Close-up view
- Now in colour (back)!
- Now in colour (front)!
- Exploded view of armour
And here’s the near-final version of the model as she appears in-game:
And if you’re curious about the techniques that the good Mr. Oster used to texture the armour, don’t miss the most recent Pen of the Avatar video!
That’s one sexy Avatar. Can she have blonde hair too and a cape? Capes are so core to being an avatar, imo.
In the final render the woman/Avatar is more realistically clothed than in the bow firing video. Nice work there Portalarium. Even so, clothing is as much about making a statement about yourself as it is functional. Everything you wore had a purpose. A sword (enforce), shield (protect), dagger (kill), cloak (concealment), boots (health), tools (crafting), coin, reagents.
People dressed to take on the specific details of the day at hand. You didn’t wear armor to dinner if it wasn’t in the field. You just wouldn’t want to, because it would be physically and socially uncomfortable. Different customized “outfits” could be added and you could switch costumes at will provided the necessary items/objects were nearby or in inventory. There would be a short clothes-changing animation showing the assets swapping out, so people could witness it and respond if in the area at the time.
Good progress, team SotA.