LRUMP Viewer: Now Java-Free!

Time Machine Dragon dropped me an email a couple days ago to announce that he has stripped out the Java requirement from his web-based viewer for LRUMP maps:

As promised here is a demo that can run java free. I’m using the ‘playn’ framework, which purports to allow you to write a game with a stripped-down java to produce and build code for ‘n’ platforms, where n includes html5, ios, android, etc.

This doesn’t actually use any of the LRUMP maps, because I’m going to have to do some server-side programming to provide the light client with ‘chunks’ of map on demand. This demo implementation only allows you to traverse through randomly generated ‘chunks’ of map with arrow keys or a touch screen interface (should work on your phone / tablet).

It’s very simple now, but with some smart web service programming, it could serve up a lrump-era Ultima-style game. This current implementation is ‘all client.

Click on through to check it out!