Shroud of the Avatar: Pen of the Avatar, July 31, 2013

Portalarium concept artist treated us to another Pen of the Avatar session on Google+ yesterday. This week, his work focused on the female Avatar, who has been conceptualized as a ranged class.

And as has become our wont at the Codex, here are a selection of stills from the session:

The male avatar also got a bit of attention:

Lum the Mad also turned in an appearance during the session; enjoy the sight of him peering out of the bottom-left corner of the video at the start!

And if you’re a Developer-level backer or better, you can also find threads on the Shroud of the Avatar forums wherein Isaac Oster chronicles his work on the female Avatar 3D model and Geoff Mellon does the same for his work on the male Avatar model.

3 Responses

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    The protruding nipples are a bit much for concept art. Were they completely bared I could understand, but the character clearly has inadequate dress if her nipples show through the fabric. Nudity is excellent, but the context must be believable. No one runs around in their underwear.

  2. Sanctimonia says:

    This may be what a baby feels like being in a car seat: Hell if I know.