Shroud of the Avatar: Pen of the Avatar, June 25, 2013

Portalarium concept artist Stephen Daniele held another Pen of the Avatar Google+ Hangout yesterday, this time giving us a look at some fan-submitted 3D assets that Portalarium has received, and walking us through his monster creation process.

The session began, as noted above, with a look at some fan-submitted 3D assets. Most notably, there were braziers:

What's an Ultima-like game without braziers?

What’s an Ultima-like game without braziers?

…and a guillotine:

Clearly a watermelon slicer.

Clearly a watermelon slicer.

I gather that both assets were submitted by The_Hairy_Man, who is quite a talented artist in his own right and a regular denizen of the Shroud of the Avatar forums.

Following this, the discussion turned to Stephen’s monster design process, which he likened to creating a series of chess pieces:

Except good luck taking Queen with Pawn in this ranking.

Except good luck taking Queen with Pawn in this ranking.

Working with the example of spiders, he explained that creature design typically involves creating a basic, foundational model, which then receives different artistic embellishments depending on what level of monster it needs to be. Low-level monsters look more or less like the basic creature they are based upon, whilst high-level creatures incorporate other features in their design, as illustrated by this creepy-looking thing:



Several other spider concepts were drawn during the session, so do be sure to check the whole thing out to see them all (some even ended up being a tad too…mature, let’s say…for inclusion in Shroud of the Avatar).

3 Responses

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Wear head-headphones or some-something…shit. And that guillotine looks outstanding but what’s up with the MS-Paint blood? I imagine many of the community submissions will be tweaked by the staff to round any rough edges. In any case, good to see they’re keeping in touch.

    • Sanctimonia says:

      Ugh. Now that I’m watching TFA I see we’re on the same page with respect to the asset submissions, though no mention so far about the chat audio shortcomings.

  2. Sanctimonia says:

    Some ideas, from my addled brain:

    The Pawn to Queen progression would be nicely represented with realistic fauna/player growth states such as:

    Growing in egg or womb (1)
    Baby or child (2)
    Enough to be dangerous (4)
    Dangerous (8)
    Collecting and reflecting (16)
    Dying and crying (32)

    If each of these were applied to non-player species empathy would be introduced to NPC interactions without requiring a “story script”. You’d feel all sorry when you found a young wolf, but all blood-thirsty when seeing an alpha. If animals emulated their basic behaviors the game could be balanced by looking at real-world examples of invasive or tamed species. Yes, kill the invasive species normally works, so there’s your random “kill quests” in infested areas. Tame the traditional species and you’ve got Pokemon gameplay; millions addicted and rabbit armies will march upon fair Britain.