Richard Garriott and Warren Spector
This chat between Richard Garriott and former Origin Systems/Looking Glass Studios developer and producer Warren Spector is a must-see. Do not miss it!
The video above was also part of the most recent update to the Shroud of the Avatar Kickstarter campaign. The two men discuss all manner of things, covering (more or less) the entirety of their work together, from Ultima 6 onward. Garriott alludes to the various ways in which Lord British has been found less-than-invulnerably by canny players over the years, and also explains just who came up with the “We Create Worlds” slogan that Origin used for almost the entirety of their existence. And Spector relates many tales of his own, including a few enjoyable memories about the ways in which people playing the Ultima games surprised him with novel ways of surmounting problems.
And just at the end, Garriott alludes to the possibility that Spector might contribute the occasional insight into Shroud of the Avatar. Let’s hope there proves to be more to it than just that!