Random Wednesdays

Here, have a trailer for Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s Wii U port:

Speaking of Eidos Montreal, they’ve gone and clarified why they switched voice actors for the upcoming Thief reboot they’re working on. They’ve also given previews of the game to a few sites, with mixed results; some found it middling, and some found it awesome.

Also released this week was a “behind the scenes” look at Thief’s development, and it was also confirmed that the game will not feature a competitive multiplayer mode. Also, it would appear that water arrows will be making a comeback in the game. Also, do check out this Q&A with project director Stephane Roy.

Finally, Eidos have promised that they will treat PC gamers right and not foist a badly-ported console game clone onto them. PC is, they assert, “very important”.

Neverwinter’s Foundry feature, its means by which players can create and add user-generated content to the game. Can it work? Hopefully, we’ll get to find out when the open beta begins at the end of the month. By the way, Cryptic have released a new trailer for the game in light of the beta announcement, and have also given us a look at the game’s kobolds.

Warp Zoned got a preview of Supergiant Games’ Transistor.

Oh, and there was even some 38 Studios-related news this week, none of it good. You see, they may have…erm…ah…covered up their financial troubles from the state of Rhode Island. As in a cover-up. As in…you know, something less-than-legal-sounding.

So…BioShock Infinite is taking some heat over its…high level of violence. Irrational Games’ Ken Levine is pretty at ease with the criticism, however, noting that violence in gameplay is just one more tool in the storyteller’s kit. More importantly, it works, narratively. And hey…it’s a BioShock game. If you went in not expecting shattering violence, what rock have you been living under?

I’m…you know what? I’m not even going to bother posting links to reviews, because pretty much every review says the same thing: the game is awesome (complaints about the player’s shields nonwithstanding) and is selling like hotcakes. More importantly, people who buy the game are finishing it.

Instead, let’s look at some of the other analysis that has been done on the game. Like just how well Irrational lined up a key moment in the narrative with a relevant event in the original BioShock. Or ways in which Irrational could use DLC to tease out more story from the game’s rich world. Or why the AI-controlled companion character, Elizabeth, is just so damn awesome. Or this cool little secret in the game’s ambient noise. Or the fact that there isn’t actually enough helium on Earth to keep the city of Columbia afloat. Or yet another take on Elizabeth as a character and focus of the game’s story. Or its parallels with The Wizard of Oz. Or the twists in its story. Or its gorgeous concept art. Or its soundtrack. Or how much the game’s look and gameplay have changed since we were first introduced to it. Or why Ken Levine thinks the “gender gap” is bad news for the gaming industry.

Or, why not consider some fan creations and merchandise? A Songbird shirt, perhaps? Some gorgeous “bird” and “cage” pendants? A suitably anachronistic-looking PC chassis? The inevitable re-creation of Columbia in Minecraft? A text adventure remake of the game?

Oh, and: if you want the game’s ending spoiled for you, go here. Or here. For a more comedic take, go here instead. Oh, and if you recall last year that Irrational promised a set of alternate covers for the boxed version of the game, you can now find those online as well. Meanwhile, you can find an index of hidden things in the game at PC Gamer.

Oh, and Rod Fergusson announced recently that he is leaving Irrational Games. You may recall that Fergusson joined Irrational Games after leaving Epic Games, for the express purpose of helping get Infinite out the door. That task finished, he has evidently decided to pursue new opportunities elsewhere.

2 Responses

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Where have all the Dragons gone?
    Long time passing.
    Where have all the Dragons gone?
    Long time ago.

    It’s quiet… Too quiet.

    Now that radio silence has been broken, does anyone else, after seeing their 1000th or so SUPER DRAMATIC OVER THE TOP trailer, start to think they’re funny? Maybe it was just the way Jensen’s popped collar was flapping around that got me.

  2. Sslaxx says:

    38 Studios, oh dear. Schilling’s “I’m an innocent bozo” schtick is starting to look a bit thin isn’t it.