Three new images added to the Origin Systems Covers Collection
I’ve had the opportunity to edit and upload three more beautiful pieces of cover art from Origin Systems.
This time we have a high quality scans of the SNES, Super Famicom and FM Towns releases of Wing Commander. There’s a noticeable anime flair to the Japanese releases, especially that of the FM Towns version.
- Wing Commander Covers
- Wing Commander – SNES (1992)
- Wing Commander – Super Famicom (1992)
- Wing Commander – FM Towns (1992)
I’m in need of more high-quality original scans, so that there is more to add to the gallery. If you have any old Origin Systems games sitting around that are largely scratch and sticker free, and have time to create some high-quality scans, leave us a message.
To download these files in their high-resolution glory, and see previously uploaded images, go ahead and check out our collection of Origin covers.