Exult: Help Wanted (And News!)
Dominus and the rest of the Exult team are looking for a bit of help from someone with programming savvy (and familiarity with XML):
Exult had a simple way to automatically fill the notebook (press ‘n’) with notes when a game flag was set. This involved putting a text file in the static folder. But no longer! Recently I added this feature to the files Exult comes with and made it an option in the “Misc Options” to toggle autonotes.
The part we need help with is that the autonotes need some more love, meaning people who know the plot and will write some small text for these flags.
To see what I mean:
The format is quite simple:
– the number of the flag (can be hex or decimal):text
– the # symbol is used to commentWhen people want to test this, they can override the bundled autonotes and set the path to their own. (See here!)
<autonotes> **set path to a custom autonotes file or leave the (default)
</autonotes>Unfortunately we do not have that many named flags for BG and the design docs posted some time ago do not seem to give the in game flag numbers.
And we could use any spare programmer anyway.
So, as noted above, if you feel comfortable working with code and XML, and if you need a spare-time project, why not volunteer to help the Exult team out?
Dominus also passed along this tidbit of Exult news:
In other news, we fixed some serious potential crashes, added the option to move with single right click…and Marzo added the wonderful BR scaler. Think of the HQ scaler, but with less information lost. Something you have got to see 🙂
Also, Marzo attempted to fix some of the “sitting in the air” bugs, but that hasn’t completely worked out yet.
Well, it seems I’m going to have to download the latest Exult snapshot and give the new scaler a try!
Pics or it didn’t happen (the scaler, of course). Also apply it to the new UO-style perspective scaler for fun. 🙂
The uo style perspective is an independant patch which only works with one specific scaler ;(
Thanks for posting this
Just so that I understand what you wanted (not that I’d have that much time to help out) but it might clarify things:
– Basically you want someone to go into that .txt rewrite the text parts and also go through the code and find each flag set and see if there is a corresponding text input for it?
Or did I totally miss something?
He he, actually for writing the notebook entries no programming knowledge required. I have no idea how to go about finding out more global flags. That would probably require going through decompiled usecode – there programming knowledge might come in handy.
My comment about needing programmers in general might have prompted wtf to write that 😉
We really could use some programmers with spare time and enthusiasm to work on Exult. All of us are mostly hit by severe real life issues 😉
When you say you need programmers, what are you looking for? What technologies are you using (I’m guessing C or C++?). I’ve always developed for Windows but I know that Exult is cross platform. I’d be glad to have a discussion with someone about whether or not it would be a good fit.
C++ and setup for gnu autotools (on windows mingw/msys) and some old VC project files.
Exult needs lots of bug fixing or minor ones to at least get it in release shape and then there are MIDI issues with a real mt32 hooked up etc. Lots of small things… And bigger one if someone new with a vision shows up 😉
If I knew more about coding than copying code and guessing how to make it work, I’d be working non stop on it 😉
To start it’s probably best if you download the source and take a look at how things are set up. The key developers (wjp, colourless, marzo, me(tough I’m on holiday until middle next week)) can be met in the irc channel #exult on freenode.net. You can always ask there but we are nit always really there, only our nicks, so replies may take some time 😉
Cool, I’ll try to take a look at it this weekend.
Fair enough on the answer, that is what I figured. I was just asking because it wasn’t clear. Right now I’m still in backtoroots with little time to spare to another project but perhaps I’ll download the source code and see what’s going on 🙂
I would love to help write the notebook entries. I don’t know much about programming anymore but it seems little knowledge is required anyway – how can I start?
Download the text files for BG and SI and open them in an editor.
A typical line will look like
this would need to be written as
0x2d: When I talked to Lord Marsten of Monitor I told him that I serve Lord British. He was not amused.
You have to be careful to read the following flags so as not spoiling any of the plot by being to descriptive 😉
The text can be much more lengthy.
When you are done with your work best put the text file online again (perhaps via pastebin.com) and let us know here or on the exult forum.
Any input is much appreciated. Thanks
Download the text files for BG and SI and open them in an editor.
A typical line will look like
this would need to be written as
0x2d: When I talked to Lord Marsten of Monitor I told him that I serve Lord British. He was not amused.
You have to be careful to read the following flags so as not spoiling any of the plot by being to descriptive 😉
The text can be much more lengthy.
When you are done with your work best put the text file online again (perhaps via pastebin) and let us know here or on the exult forum.
Any input is much appreciated. Thanks
I downloaded the source code and removed any warnings from the compiler: http://pastebin.com/BqF9p7nW
sh4rm4 helped correct a few issues with the initial patch on the irc.
Hopefully, it helps,
Thanks, I’ll take a look when I return home in a couple of days. The best way to store patches is on our patch tracker on sourceforge. I probably can’t post a link here (couldn’t with pastebin) but when you go to the project page on sourceforge you can select trackers and there the patch tracker.
Done! https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3591998&group_id=2335&atid=302335
Let me know if you need anything else,
too bad, no one had time to write some of the autonotes 🙁