The Ultima 6 Remake: In-Game Books, Progress Update
Zygon Dragon has posted another update to the Ultima 6 Remake project site, bringing good news of world-building and fan-submitted books:
New Magincia and Serpents Hold are now complete with working NPC’s. The overworld map is near complete, just a little touching up here and there and adding a few areas like Stonegate castle and finishing up with Sutek’s place. Paws and Moonglow need NPC conversations done, then all cities will be fully functional.
Crowley and Sythifuge have been working on new shapes. Crowley has made some more U6 armor shapes such as the spiked collar and is currently working on new sprites for hat-wearing npcs such as Tholden, and new sprites for the gypsies Taynith, Blaine, and the dancing gypsy girl. Sythifuge has supplied us with his shapes for the Avatar’s house on earth, that will be used for the fully scripted U6 intro. Screenshots will probably be shown in a future update.
We have been getting some excellent book submissions, which the count stands at 4 right now. Keep them coming!
Actually, he couldn’t resist showing a few screenshots in this update:
- Slaughter
- Sheep in New Magincia
- Moar New Magincia
- Fighting gargoyles
- A book!
- Another book!
- By the Virtues, another book.
Oh, and the team could use a spot of help:
We might need some more help with graphics artists to help finish touching up the U6 portraits. If you think you can help out, send me an email agentorangeguy(at)yahoo(dot)com.
So, Dragons and Dragonettes: if any of you have some talent with the (digital) brush and the composition of human (and gargish) faces, do shoot an email to AgentOrangeGuy. I’m sure he’d love to hear from you.
And if you’ve got any Ultima fan fiction laying about that you’d love to see included in this remake, send that his way too.
Really good job guys, I can’t wait to play this! I never really liked the U6 engine so I’m still yet to finish this one. I had to pull out U7 again after I saw this.
When are you planning on releasing this? Just a guesstimate.
I was about to say, this reminds me of how sweet u7 was. Although I was a seriously avid u6o player. I’ve played through the u6 storyline more times than I can count. And I’d love to know what that wreckage is all about.
There’s one caveat of u6 I’d be interested to see how you pull off in the exult engine. But I’d still love to plow through it again! Good job guys!