Tibby Joins Epic Baltimore

This tweet should be relevant to the interests of every fan of Ultima V: Lazarus:

Ian “Tiberius” Frazier, former Game Director at Big Huge Games, has signed on with Epic Baltimore (the working name of Epic Games’ new action-RPG — or so the rumour mill states — studio located in Baltimore and comprised of a large number of former Big Huge Games developers) in an as-yet unspecified role. No word yet on what IP or title the fledgling studio will be working on, but Tibby assures people on Twitter that it’ll be awesome.

1 Response

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    That’s great news. I hope everyone else on the former team soon finds equal security as well. I’ve been laid off twice prior to whole-company implosions (though not in the games industry), and it’s pretty shitty and disillusioning. Best of luck Ian, and take no prisoners.