Richard Garriott Will Be On Science Channel’s “Oddities” Tomorrow

According to their posted schedule, and also both the Wing Commander CIC and Richard Garriott himself, Lord British and his zany mansion will feature in an upcoming episode of the Science Channel’s Oddities:

Oddities Season 3
Keeping Austin Odd

Obscura Antiques & Oddities heads to Texas when an astronaut sends Mike and Evan on a mission to keep his Austin home weird. The challenge puts the two in contact with a mummy, a man who lifts incredible weights and an unpredictable Black Scorpion.

Unless, of course, there’s some other eccentric Austin resident with a “weird” home that includes mummies, scorpions, and weightlifting supermen. And who is also an astronaut.

This, by the way, is evidently a teaser for the episode:

Delivery gone very, very right.

So if Science is part of your cable/satellite package…tune in tomorrow evening!

3 Responses

  1. hatsize7 says:

    Hi, here’s the segments of Richard on the show. It’s the raw TS file from the HD stream (1080i mpeg2/ac3).