The Ultizurk Series
The Ultizurk games were/are a series of shareware games released in the 1990s. They have a very similar look and feel to some of the later Ultima games, and even the name of the series suggests more than just a casual connection thereto. They are DOS games, and as such may require DOSBox in order to work.
Each game comes in two parts; the first part of each can be obtained, played, and passed for free, while the second part must be purchased. Each part of each game, and each game in the series, builds off of the plot(s) of earlier instalments, meaning that the series should be bound together by something like a cohesive narrative.
It was thought that the Ultizurk games were lost to time until just recently, when Infinitron Dragon managed to unearth links to many of the series’ shareware releases (although as of this writing, Ultizurk 2 remains unavailable). In total, six Ultizurk games were released, and a seventh — Ultizurk 4: Lord of the Cyclops was never completed. The reason there are so many entries compared to how few numbered entries exist in the series has to do with the fact that it would appear that Dr. Dungeon put together a few spinoff-type games, such as The Great Ultizurkian Underland…which I would assume takes some inspiration from Ultima Underworld.
All of the downloads for the shareware portions of each game that Infinitron Dragon could find are hosted at the Ultizurk project entry I have just finished setting up; feel free to grab one and give it a try.
The graphical style of this screenshots looks like a cross between Savage Empire and Martian Dreams. Neat!
That cancelled Ultizurk IV, looks a lot of UO though… even with that camera view you’re not fond of 😛
Yeah, I did manage to find a couple screenshots of that one. I’d agree with the assessment; its angle was wonky.
Heh, I like that point of view as you know, but really my first thought upon seeing these screen was “Well here’s a view WtF would have issues with!”
“The Great Ultizurkian Underground” is probably a reference to Zork’s Great Underground Empire, actually. Or maybe it’s both.
You may be right.
I was actually thinking when I heard the name “Ultizurk” that it sounded like a cross between Ultima and Zork, sothat would make sense !
Here’s an interview with the creator:
It’s from the late 90’s and the interviewer is Mieke Schotting AKA Earendil Dragon from the UDIC. Is he on the Facebook group?
It wouldn’t appear that Earendil is on the UDFC, no. Pity…it would be nice to pick his brain for a bit about this, assuming he recalls any significant details about it.
Oh, hey. The interviewer isn’t actually the owner of that website. It’s Lost Dragon.
That right there is interesting for several reasons…I think.
It is me.
I remember doing that web interview.
I haven’t seen any news come out of the Ultizurk 4 series since 2009 when I saw a Dr. Dungeon post in a forum. I think he was about done, but had programmed the game in a way that limited what resolution screens the game could be played on. I also think that it was Mac only.
The games were pretty playable from what I remember. It’s been a while. He usually answers his email but sometime it can take a bit.
Well, it sounds like there may be some progress on the games, based on other comments here.
Fingers crossed, at any rate!
Huh… I seem to remember playing at least one of them back in the day… Now I’m having trouble remembering how I found it… It was kinda before online downloads as we know them today… A BBS maybe…
Okay, I’ve been in contact with Dr. Dungeon.
He says he’ll be updating his site ([url=]here[/url]) which has a “Museum” page. He states on the page that all the original games (meaning EVERYTHING prior to Ultizurk IV) are going to be hosted there for download, free of charge.
He also said I should “Let the world know Dr. Dungeon is rising from the ashes.” So apparently he’s still planning to finish Ultizurk IV. 😀
Okay… I had posted something but I’m guessing the anti-spam filters killed it because there was a link in it so here it is sans link:
Okay, I’ve been in contact with Dr. Dungeon.
He says he’ll be updating his site which has a “Museum” page. He states on the page that all the original games (meaning EVERYTHING prior to Ultizurk IV) are going to be hosted there for download, free of charge.
He also said I should “Let the world know Dr. Dungeon is rising from the ashes.” So apparently he’s still planning to finish Ultizurk IV. 😀
Not seeing it in the “approval pending” list…I’ll check the spam filter proper later this evening.
Good work getting in touch, at any rate…it’s nice to hear he kept copies of the games and has plans to release the next one.
Great news!
It would appear that, in part thanks to the inspirational people skills of the (RPG) Codex, and in greater part due to the diligence and enthusiasm of the original Dr. Dungeon, the full Ultizurk 2 (as well as 1) is/are now available for free on his website. Would be nice to see Ultimacodex keeping up to date and promoting his work.
Heh…no need to oversell RPGCodex here. A few fine folks who frequent this place are regulars there as well. Including Infinitron, who started this Ultizurk craze at both sites.
Thanks for the update; nice to know Dr. Dungeon has got round to updating his site. I’ll be sure to mention it in the news this evening.
Okay, before fax_ loses his shit and Hulks out on us for not being on top of it… ;P
Dr. Dungeon’s added “The Great Ultizurkian Underland” to the showroom.
ULTIZURK III: The Guildmaster’s Quest is up for appraisal.
Brilliant…thanks for the heads-up. I’ll get right on that.
Woo! ULTIZURK III Pt. 2: The Mobius Mind is up in the showroom.
And the site is down right now. 🙁
Yeah, Apple shut off their MobileMe service yesterday. Which of course took out all the websites, this one included.
I have all the downloads he released though; not all is lost.
I’ll have to edit my RPGCodex Ultizurk post to link to your mirrors of the games.