Monthly Archive: March 2012

Stephen Emond Needs Your Help! Again!

Stephen Emond Needs Your Help! Again!

Stephen Emond needs some information about whether certain international releases of various Ultima Online expansion packs were localized or not.

Bethesda Thursdays

Bethesda Thursdays

The weekly round-up of news related to Bethesda Game Studios and their excellent RPG series, The Elder Scrolls.

Ultima 3 in PCMag's Classic Games List

Ultima 3 in PCMag's Classic Games List

PCMAG.COM did a story of 10 Classic Computer RPGs from the 1980s. The Ultima series is cited but only one of them is really shown. There are also 9 other classic games that are interesting to see.

Piranha Bytes Tuesdays!

Piranha Bytes Tuesdays!

The weekly round-up of news related to Piranha Bytes and their two excellent (and Ultima-inspired) RPG series, Gothic and Risen.