And Now A Word From UVL Spanish!
Shyrion Dragon posted an update to the website of his project to produce a Spanish translation of Ultima V: Lazarus last month, which I totally missed seeing until just now. Here’s his original post:
Para todos los que seguís visitando la web, y preguntáis si el proyecto sigue en marcha, la respuesta es SI.
Cambios bruscos y repentinos vividos en mi situación personal hacen más dificil una regularidad en las traducciones, pero tanto éstas como el manual van en la buena dirección. Aprovecho para actualizar también las estadisticas.
Which Google asserts means this:
For all of you who follow the site visit and ask if the project is ongoing, the answer is YES.
Experienced sharp and sudden changes in my personal situation made more difficult a regularity in the translations, but they and the manual are in the right direction. Also take this opportunity to update the statistics.
It’s good to know that the project is still in progress, even if it has been set back by that dreaded thing we all call “real life”. And as a reminder, may I just point out that if you are well-versed in the Spanish language, Shyrion would probably appreciate any offer of help you could bring forward.