The Ultima 6 Remake: A Working Innkeeper!

Big news from the Exult-based Ultima 6 Remake this week: they have successfully implemented Doris, the innkeeper in Minoc! AgentOrangeGuy explains:

I implemented the ‘now or later’ inn feature where you can do it U6 style or U7 style. The only drawback to U6 style right now is that it doesn’t heal you as of yet. Until I figure out how to do that without doing it manually and very ‘clunky’ (lots of code that isn’t worth it), it just passes time until checkout time (9am next day). The fade and unfade works just fine. The U7 style works but I need to make the egg to where you give the key back or the stuff that happens when your late.

He has also made some other progress in and around Minoc:

I also fixed the conversations of Dale the glassblower. you can buy jars, glass (glass cup) and hand mirrors (desk item) along with the glass sword. I did some map work, doing much fixes to the NW coastline. I did the edging on the coast with the deep water to shallow water (blue to white).

Finally, Odkin has been busy at work generating new portraits, and his work is nothing short of astounding:

[singlepic id=2521 w=550 h=550 float=center]The richness of the NPC portraits in Ultima 6 — I prefer them to the rather mediocre ones in Ultima 7 — was one of the more notable highlights of the game, and the re-creations here are about as close to perfect as one could reasonably expect from any project. They will go a long way toward re-creating the experience of Ultima 6 within the Ultima 7 engine!

8 Responses

  1. Dungy says:

    Those portraits look AWESOME!

  2. Bedwyr says:

    Wow, that’s amazing.

  3. Odkin says:

    Thank you!

    But I do owe the team an apology – I’m quite delinquent on the latest batch. You’d think unemployment would add to your free time, but it kind of kills the old creative spirit…

    Working on another batch soon!

  4. Infinitron says:

    You know, it might not be too late to convince the U6P guys to use these in place of their missing portraits.

  5. Marquillin says:

    The little people look quite smart in the VGA, I love when old artwork is honored like so.

    Infinitron: Yeah, or at least set up a commonly used unofficial mod if they are still hoping on a high def artist to volunteer. Someone seemed to be setting that up with the original portraits, but either didn’t finish, or the link got moved/taken down or I just could not find it.

    Face art is almost essential I think, if your not a close up oblivion type sprite – or a text adventure.

  6. AgentOrangeGuy says:

    No hurry Odkin, just do them at your leisure. Today I was talking with Crowley, he will probably be making a new shape for Blaine the gypsy based more on the U6 portrait. Some of the unique U6 npcs will be getting a makeover, to reflect more what they look like on their portraits 😀

  7. Scythifuge Dragon says:

    Awesome!!! Excellent progress & kick ass portraits!

    I still have to finish the graves & the hydra. I do apologize for the massive delay. This new job & schedule is leaving me very exhausted. Tomorrow, I start at 5 am. I am not a morning person & I predict at least one more week until I am acclimated.

    Afterward, I hope to be back to spriting & have something to send to you, Agent!

  8. AgentOrangeGuy says:

    Alright sounds good!