Origin Isn't Named For Origin
Peter Moore, EA’s Chief Operating Officer, clears up what is apparently a misconception about the origin of the name of EA’s digital download storefront.
Peter Moore, EA’s Chief Operating Officer, clears up what is apparently a misconception about the origin of the name of EA’s digital download storefront.
GemRB is an open source, cross-platform port of the venerable Infinity Engine. Could it be useful as an engine for creating an Ultima remake or homage?
A reader asked a question about the legitimacy of certain copies of Savage Empire that are available for sale online.
Ultima 9 does have its fair share of glitches, bugs, and reasons why it won’t play nice with some computers. But I think some of the problems that are being had here can be solved.
The seller of (most likely) fake Akalabeth copies on eBay has struck again, this time with what he claims is a legitimate tape copy of the game.
The no longer anywhere near nightly open discussion thread at Ultima Aiera.
Paul Barnett shows off the original painted card for the Ultima 1 logo, and explains a bit of its history.
Stones, as played by Meghann “Firkraags” O’Neill on an acoustic guitar.
The weekly round-up of news pertaining to Obsidian Entertainment and their various RPGs.
Ian Davis at The Adrenaline Vault has penned a short retrospective look at Ultima 1.
Austin-based composer George Oldziey, who worked on the soundtracks for a few Origin Systems games (including Ultima 9), celebrated his birthday earlier this week.