More Beautiful Britannia Cove Images
This time, Firstknight offers some aerial views, showing just how much he has managed to add in and around the small island that Cove and Minoc are sitauted on in Ultima 9.
Ultima 9 World Map
Beautiful Britannia World Map
Honestly, I was expecting that he’d added a little bit of content in and around Cove/Minoc, that he’d just filled in a bit of available space. I was not expecting to see that he had expanded the continent by a goodly measure!
And this, again, without the use of proper world-building tools!
Here’s a couple more images of the newly-added area. These are in-game shots made with some help from the “fly cheat”, which is why the Avatar appears in them:
At an angle
Firstknight tells me that there is still some work to be done on the mountains (they do need some erosion, methinks) and a couple of other things. But he asserts that it does quite handily resolve the issue of the Cove/Minoc area of the game feeling “too small”…and I can’t help but agree!
that’s incredible.
You know, I had always assumed that that island with Cove and Minoc on it was what was left of Eastern Britannia (instead of Dagger Isle). Definitely seems more like a sheered off section of Eastern Britannia now. If only it were easy to shift all of those islands into more appropriate locations.
lovely work!
Strange that you seem to share the ideas with what the original plans had been (See “Great Cataclsm” at the Codex for a picture of the original plans). Some little costal corrections, and it would completely look like eastern Britannia minus the Drylands. The position of Cove realtive to where Lock Lake used to be (which can now be seen easier) now also makes sense.
It feels good to look at.
@Tribun Dragon
Thanks for the hint related to the “Great Cataclysm”, very interesting artice!
Well, I never liked this small island to the east of the main continent with a “city of 3 houses” onto it, and now that I got the knowledge and techniques to create such an expansion (of course, this wouldn’t be possible without the help of Iceblade and Hawkwind of Team FW), I wanted to give it a try.
Of course, with a professional WB-Tool, something like the TES Constructions Sets, everything would be much easier and quicker to be done, but…
.. well, it’s still possible to create, as you can see, so why not doing it ?!
In my opinion, Ultima IX always had great potential, and I’m really happy to be able to show, that it’s still an interesting game.
Yes, there will be many issues left, when BB will be finished someday (the plot for example, maybe Team FW is able to correct the issues there, when the time comes), but I promise to try my best to change Ultima IX into a game, that is at least a bit more consistent with its predecessors.
And when I look to all those positive responses here, I’m sure that I’m on the right way with this concept!