Bethesda Thursdays
Did you know that you can see Morrowind from Skyrim in Skyrim?
And apparently there’s a good reason for it:
“The reason they are there – and I will not say if we are or are not using them in the future – is when we first built the landmass for Skyrim we knew we were going to have these tall mountains.
And what can you see see? We have views early in the project where you can see into the [neighbouring] province from the other game. We needed to have something [there].
It’s not high detail. If you walk there, from a distance it’s…yeah, the stuff is there. And the thinking is, maybe we’ll use it one day, but our larger worry was, I’m going to climb up on top of a mountain and look that way. What will I be able to see there? We try to cover all those angles as much as we can.”
Two million Skyrim mods have already been downloaded.
And yes, I know that people were modding the game before the toolkit was officially released. Still, the game itself is pretty new, and the toolkit only just came out…so that’s still a pretty staggering number.
Skyrim of course won Game of the Year…
…at the Interactive Achievement Awards.
Skyrim Creation Kit tutorials!
Bethesda are in the midst of releasing a ten-part series of videos outlining the use of the Skyrim Creation Kit. Here’s the first one:
Part 1
You can find the rest of the installments they have released thus far at their YouTube channel. It looks like they’re already up to the ninth episode!
An interesting and potentially controversial editorial that argues, and then not badly, that while Skyrim offers gameplay freedom that is second to none, games like Dragon Age 2 offer more compelling choices during gameplay…with better rewards.
Bethesda remembers Adam Adamowicz.
Adamowicz was evidently a level designer at Bethesda Softworks, who passed away from cancer shortly after the completion of Skyrim. Bethesda has put up a tribute page for him. It’s quite touching; go check it out.
One popular theory was that the lag on PS3 was due to a gamer’s large save files.
“No it’s not,” Howard said. “That’s the common misconception. It’s literally the things you’ve done in what order and what’s running. Some of the things are literally what spells do you have hot-keyed? Because, as you switch to them, they handle memory differently.”
Howard said his developers knew that the PS3 was going to run into a “bad memory situation” and tried to tweak their code to prevent it from happening. He believes only “a small percentage” of gamers would run into this issues, but it was enough for Bethesda to want to fix things post-release.
“The 1.2 patch [released in November] took care of a lot of it,” he said.
Problem solved? Gamers all relieved and in the clear? Not after that 1.2 patch.
Seriously…why would you play a game like Skyrim on console anyway? Especially on the current, absurdly dated generation of consoles, which can barely handle Unreal Engine 3 at full spec.
Two million isn’t bad, but that is probably still less than what was being downloaded from other sites. My first Skyrim mod has been downloaded over half a million times by itself from other sites. Of course, the Steamworks numbers will increase once more good mods are put on it. An impressive start though, considering the limited mods available on SteamWorks at the moment.
“Seriously…why would you play a game like Skyrim on console anyway? Especially on the current, absurdly dated generation of consoles, which can barely handle Unreal Engine 3 at full spec.”
Because people are cheap as hell and using 5 year old laptops as their main computer.
True-True, Deckard, but gamers will play games on whatever they can get hands on; doesn’t make them cheap, just hungry for the game any game be it at its best on the best pc/system or somewhere in between/below.
Imagine folks back in the day trying to re-load Ultimas on floppies or even cassette tape; like this version of AKALABETH on ebay right now:
I’m using a 3 year old laptop. And it runs Skyrim fine. There is no excuse for playing Skyrim on consoles.
I bought Skyrim for my Xbox 360 at midnight launch. Why? Because if I bought Skyrim for my computer, it would be locked to my Steam account and nobody else could play. For the Xbox, every profile has their own game.
PC actually worked well for me, in that respect. I bought a PC copy for both me and my wife (so… around $120) so we could both play. I then made a mod that won me $250 in a competition. So I made $130 from buying Skyrim. I couldn’t do that on Xbox. 😛
Kind of a boundary case (not everyone is a modder), but an amusing anecdote all the same. And it highlights the key advantage of the PC version, its modability.
The “meaningless choices” link was interesting.
Someone once described Bethesda’s output as “digital theme parks”, which I feel sums them up pretty well. They’re designed to allow you to do pretty much everything whenever you want, and have fun doing it. This does have the side-effect of having relatively little consequence for any actions for either the player or the game world.
On the other side we have Bioware with it’s current output that Rock, Paper, Shotgun likes to call “Guns and Conversation” (for Mass Effect in particular).
Makes me wonder how the Ultima series would have looked if it had been made by the modern behemoths of RPG development.
I played Skyrim on a PS3 for 2 reasons. I work from home on the PC, by the end of my work day I’m ready to leave my home office for the night. If I had Skyrim on my PC, I’d either never play, or never get work done.
Don’t give a toss about the PS3. So love the variety of mods on the PC!