Another Mysterious Teaser Image From The Exodus Project

Voyager Dragon is at it again, and has posted another screenshot of the Ultima 3 title screen to The Exodus Project’s website. It almost looks like the CGA version of the title screen…but it’s just a little bit different:

[singlepic id=2382 w=550 h=550 float=center]

The colours are...not what they should be.

About the image, he has this to say:

Here’s another image from the same source. It definitely not VGA, it doesn’t look like EGA, and it’s more colors than we’re used to seeing from CGA. But if you look closely, note the mountains… why are they a mix of red and blue? In fact, it looks almost like the Apple II version of Ultima. But it’s not. What is it?

What, indeed?

8 Responses

  1. Dungy says:

    Colour me intrigued!

  2. Andy_Panthro says:

    3D! Or is it? I didn’t get much of an effect with my red/blue glasses.

  3. I don’t see what the big mystery is—surely it’s just CGA using the standard 16-colour composite video output…?

  4. Sergorn says:

    Yrah this looks like the CGA composite output. its interesting because obiously you couldnt.get.this.graphic mode in Ultima III anynore. I assume Voyaver has implemented it in whatever he is cooking up.

  5. Lost Dragon says:

    Looks like CGA on a TV monitor.

  6. Zygon Dragon says:

    Who wants to play this in cga composite? Seems strange..

  7. Sergorn says:

    I’m thinking this project might be some form of “Ultimate” versatile Ultima III.

    Basically a way that would allows to play Ultima III natively while choising amongst all the existing tilesets and graphics existing, from the 4 colors CGA to an updated VGA version. Kinda like the MAC Remakes allows one to.

    Or something like that.

  8. Dungy says:

    But whatever it is, it seems to be running on DosBox.