Skyrim Creation Kit Release Date Confirmed (Sort Of)
The specific date hasn’t yet been announced, but Bethesda did let slip that the Skyrim Creation Kit (which I guess is what they are calling the Skryim toolkit) will be released some time in January. Or, at least, that’s what G4TV is reporting.
Bethesda has announced that The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Creation Kit will be released in January with Steam Workshop integration. The Creation Kit will give PC players the same development tools that Bethesda used to create Skyrim, allowing for modders to create powerful additions to the game.
With Steam Workshop, you’ll be able to upload you mod to a place where everyone can browse, rate, and flag mods for download. “You’ll be able to do this from any web device, including your smartphone. Like a live Netflix queue, when you fire up Skyrim, mods you flagged will be automatically downloaded and installed,” said Bethesda. You’ll also be able to use pre-existing modding sites to upload, share, and access Skyrim mods with the Steam workshop.
So there it is, would-be Ultima project developers: you can start making adventures using the Skyrim engine come January. I hope you took the rest of 2012 off.
Additionally: Cheese!
Some people slay dragons...
Furthermore: MOAR CHEESES!
And some people fight dragons amongst cheese...
Seriously, I don’t know why these videos are funny, but they are. Impressive demonstrations of the game’s physics engines, yes, but hilarious too. The second one, I’m thinking, would be exceptionally funny if viewed whilst a little bit on the smashed side.
Well this just made my morning.
Run with the cheese!
It will be nice to download mods for Skryim. But, why the hell is it still Steam crap.. what does steam have to do with anything. I really believe that is half the reason Skryim is so buggy and unpredictable, they put that steam shit with it. Steam is THEE worst internet program I’ve ever come across. I’ll be playing Skryim and that dam steam window will pop up saying chat with freinds or check out these new games. I don’t want that crap on my computer. I hate steam. I bought a game that ran on steam and was never able to play it and they don’t give a crap. They took an awesome series of games..The Elder Scrolls and ruined it with the steam 3rd party spyware. Have fun playing in 2 years…I hope steam is still around when you have to re-install the game or windows for that matter. Cool vids haha.
Wow. Steam hate much? 😛
I like Steam. Steam has nothing at all to do with Skyrim being buggy… Bethesda games are always buggy. Steam is even getting blamed for Skyrim patches breaking their games. It should be a *good* thing that patches automatically install. It isn’t Valve’s fault that Bethesda has been making bad patches.
Steam isn’t my favorite digital distribution service, but I like the model as a general concept. Online distribution of apps, streaming playable installation processes, at-launch patching…these are all good things, and Steam does them very well, again in general.
Steam’s DRM bugs me sometimes…I travel a lot, and there are times when for one reason or another I can’t get online. At such times, it can be a great annoyance if the Steam DRM on whatever game I happen to be playing times out and requires re-authentication.
But that has happened to me maybe three times, and I’ve logged hundreds of hours of play in various Steam games.
Thepal is right: what ails Skyrim has little to do with Steam; that’s just Bethesda being Bethesda. All their other titles had similar bug issues, even when sold through means other than Valve’s main source of revenue.