Ultima 7 on SNES: Introduction and Endgame
To celebrate the release of Ultima 7 on Good Old Games today, it seems fitting to take a brief look at one of the only ports made of Ultima 7, the Super Nintendo version.
Here, for example, is the introductory sequence for the game:
Starting out!
And here is the ending sequence, complete with a bit of gameplay. It’s technically from a “let’s play” (which I’ve previously avoided in these posts) but it’s worth it:
Finishing up!
(hat tip: Sergorn Dragon)
ugh. I played this port back in the day thinking I would get a similar experience to what I had on the PC version. One of the biggest fails ever. Ultima VII on the PC is my favorite game of all time. The SNES may be one of my most hated games of all time, perhaps simply because it fell so short of its PC cousin.
That endgame sequence is rather… underwhelming… in comparison to the PC version.