My Reckoning Destiny Cards Arrived!
Actually, they arrived a while ago, but it’s taken me until now to get around to posting about them. I did put them up on my Google+ profile, but the order got muddled up. Here, they’re in the correct/intended order:
The shipping envelope. I am number 944!
The actual card envelope, with the Reckoning symbol and a signature. UPDATE: It turns out to be the signature of Curt Schilling.
Fancy wax-seal?
Looks and feels like a wax seal! But it is actually a sticker. Still cool.
The three cards.
Now fully out of the envelope!
The artwork on the cards is a bit cartoony, but quite striking overall.
The card backs also look pretty sweet.
The three Destiny Cards here represent, naturally, three of the possible destiny paths that you can guide your character down when playing Reckoning. More importantly, they represent examples of the three primary paths, as discussed here. Two of the three destinies have been identified on the Reckoning Facebook page: the Sage and the Scout. If the third has also been identified, I evidently failed to notice.
So, the question is: should I try and play Reckoning using only these three destinies?
Pretty cool thanks for sharing.
I agree the art looks a little cartoony but I think that is due to McFarlands comic book background. Game looks that way to me too.
I like the “Destinies” aspect quite well but I am worried as I saw a post recently saying they will NOT exclude any content from any classes…this has me worried a bit that it wont matter much which class you play.
Hope this game is good.
That signature might be Curt Schilling.
Well…the way the Destinies system works is basically as a replacement for the class system within the game. And no, the game doesn’t lock you in to any one destiny “track”; that would be rather against the idea of your character being The Fateless One, woudln’t it?
If my understanding of the various interviews I’ve watched is correct, you’ll be given periodic destiny choices (as you gain in levels), and you can choose to either pursue the same track you have been, or pick from a different track, or (possibly) simply advance in your current destiny track. It’s kind of a cunning way to both avoid having players play as one fixed class in the game, and yet allow the possibility even so.
Granted, I could be wrong in that interpretation of things, but…I think that’s how they want it to work.
The third one (red) is not on FB…It’s not anw of the pure red identified: warrior, soldier, brawler, fighter
Nice anyway
It is his signature. Better than a baseball, no?
Way better than a baseball!
Though my wife would doubtless disagree, baseball fan that she is.