Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning…One Massive Demo
Ian “Tiberius Moongazer” Fraizer is back at it, talking about and showing off the upcoming RPG that he is lead designer on: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. This time, it’s in a whopping 22-minute demo that delves into the game’s plot, its combat mechanics, and the hardcore RPG systems that form its backbone:
Better grab a coffee.
Anyone else stoked for this game, or is it just me?
Update: Now with YouTube video embed, instead of IGN video embed!
Still seems like the only significant activity in the game is combat, but it’s nice to see stuff like stealth and pickpocketing actually getting some screen time.
I really get tired of devs telling me about how ‘meaty’ their combat is or how they like Diablo so much they decided to add armor sets to their game, or how easy they’ve made to to ignore filler dialogue. None of that stuff has anything to do with how I play or enjoy CRPGs.
Hey, I’d love to be proven wrong though.
I’m confident — perhaps bizarrely so, but still — that Tibby is going to turn in more than just a slashfest here. Oh, I don’t know if we’ll be able to bake bread in it, but…I think it will impress.
I guess the main effort of this game is to successfully marry console gaming’s flashy, over-the-top instant gratification with PC gaming’s trend of successful RPG elements like stat manipulation, item crafting, dialogue trees, consequence, faction pandering, stealth, mini-games etc. The destiny hook seems interesting on its own and undoubtedly this will be a successful game.
Mr. Frazier seems to really get what is important to the majority of gamers in my opinion. I truly see him as the second coming of Richard Garriott — a markedly much improved and less out-of-touch version; not so much pioneer as a passionate RPG aficionado and game designer.
Unfortunately, I have no interest in the game. The flashy, multicolored effects; the presence of elves; the Matrix/chopsocky combat style; Diablo-esque loot does not appeal to me. If I were 15 to 20 years younger, then yes, this would be a title I would greatly be anticipating.
I think in the last couple of years or so, my interest in gaming has mostly revolved around finding a good RT/TB Strategy game and waiting for Ultima fan projects to reach completion.
I’d be stoked if the video worked properly. I can’t hear the audio or rip the file with the usual tools. What bullshit sorcery is this? A “viral video” that can’t be saved is worthless.
Sanctimonia: I think there’s a YouTube version. I’ll check.