Forgotten World: Activities, Triggers, and Books
Though he warned that his ability to work on Forgotten World would be slowed in the coming months, Iceblade was able to find time to make one last impressive development before being consumed by coursework:
I present you another screenshot: I have compiled all four of my programs into a single executable for the team to use in research and some minor development. It contains the previously presented Books, Highway, and Activity Editors. In addition, I have created a simple triggers editor. While that last tool doesn’t currently show us what the parameters for each trigger command mean, it does make adding, expanding, and editing of triggers significantly easier.
Easy enough in fact, that I plan to over the course of the next month create a new patch for Ultima IX. So stay tuned.
Here is the screenshot aforementioned:
Edit all the things!
From my understanding, Iceblade has already made a few revisions to NPC schedules and related triggers, which presumably will be incorporated into the upcoming patch.
I previously predicted that we’d see a trigger editor from the Forgotten World team in the next couple of months. I see I was only off by a couple of months! This team continues to impress, time and again; I am very much looking forward to revisiting Ultima 9 in the wake of all their many edits thereto!
You should definitely install the latest Beautiful Britannia, if only to use the fly cheat to admire my the handy work.
The level of love and care from BB (and the sheer size of the mainland) certainly has me considering using BB’s mainland as a base for FW’s main continent. I plan to of course expand the size, but mostly around the edges of the continent rather than the core.
Uh…has there been a significant change to the size of the mainland in BB versus the original game?
Holy freaking wow! I had the chance to try out the newest version of Beautiful Britannia, and I was absolutely blown away!
The new textures you’ve created for the grass, mountains, roads, swamps, beaches, water, trees, etc. They make the game look so much better there is absolutely no comparison between the two. The few (VERY few) missing terrain textures demonstrate just how much better your new textures are. It’s like a whole new world. This newest release of Beautiful Britannia is miles above the last one in shear awesomeness. I can’t wait for 2012 and 300 new textures. 😛
Many thanks for your comment, Dungy, I’m very happy that you like my work :-). I can tell you, especially this terrain transistions are quite sophisticated, but such a comment proves, that it’s worth doing this.
And, I’m more the honored that you, Iceblade, my friend, want to use my work as base for FW.
Those reactions are much more what I’ve expected, and I promise, that I will try MY VERY BEST to keep things up on this level.
To all who like BB:
Please don’t forget, that everything included within BB has hours of decoding as it’s base, and this has been done by Team Forgottenworld, especially by Iceblade and Hawkwind (and in a lesser way also by me) within the past 5 years.
Over course someone has use some tricky building methodics over and over again (yes, that’s me), so that the main worldmap has more than 15.000 objects added in the actual build, and for this some persistence in keeping up the work is needed, but without having the knowledge from the team it wouldn’t have worked.
No, it hasn’t (spoiler on… yet, but who knows … spoiler off), but I think that Iceblade’s comment IS related to the actual size.
I’m sure you can explain it better than I can.
Actually, I’ve just recently played through the Justice path for U9, and the paths to take to get around the mainland between Paws, Dawn, Yew, Britain, and Wrong are quite lengthy and feel on pare with Lazarus and U6P in length. Also, I would like to put the amazing work by First Knight on beautifying the landscape to good use in FW.
As I side, though, the mainland would be a base would of course see drastic changes, location shifts, and outward expansions.
I still don’t know if I’m going to split the whole world into several maps or leave them all on the same map 9 with significant expansions in size so that New Magincia, Buc’s Den, and Moonglow aren’t in easy potion/staff-ineering distance of each other.
Sounds promising, doesnt it ?
And for this more powerful tools are needed first, so the latest work from Iceblade was just the beginnning!
Yes, we have a good knowledge of, how the game engine Works Now, and with the right tools at hand, we will be able to get out much more of this quite old game, than we have shown up to now.
Progress, Focus, and Activity for our development is definitely high at the moment. In fact, excluding myself for aforementioned reasons, we currently have 5 very active members, most of which are programmers.