By Popular Request: The Ultima V: Lazarus Soundtrack
To celebrate the release of Ultima 5 on Good Old Games, and because several people asked about it, here is the soundtrack to what is probably the highest-profile (and highest-quality) Ultima remake ever: Ultima V: Lazarus.
It is, admittedly, a great soundtrack.
You can find a ZIP archive containing all of these tracks available for download at the Lazarus project entry.
I loved the soundtrack, but what always kind of annoyed me is they have the near identical shrine music like 8 times. It’s really a grating track, and to have it 8 times is just WAY too much. I always had to delete those tracks.
It’s like that on purpose. The same basic melody for each shrine, slightly modified based on the shrine’s virtue. I think there are motifs for Truth, Love and Courage, which are mixed as appropriate.
Yeah, I really liked that about the shrines music, one of the high points in an already excellent soundtrack if you ask me.
I love the shrine music in-game when I play, I just don’t like it when I’m listening to the Lazarus soundtrack.
*sheepish* Yeah, the shrine themes are that way on purpose; I took the same approach as the U7 soundtrack when I wrote them. Nevertheless, I can understand how they might get tedious when listened to sequentially in a playlist instead of experienced in isolation in the game itself.