Richard Garriott and Eric Anderson At the Space Needle
I spotted this tweet on one of my many and varied Twitter search columns in TweetDeck this morning
Chairman of Space Adventures, this guy.
Which led to this picture:
And yes, he is still wearing the serpent necklace, it seems.
No word on where Lord British’s blushing bride is, though.
Didn’t his mother make that for him? I need to read The Official Book of Ultima again it seems. RG looks like a vampire pimp in that pic. Dig the pink shirt.
Yes, his mother did make the pendant for him. She’s quite the talented craftworker, I’m told. Or…was? I do not know if she is still with us.
Not quite, according to the interview in Scott Addams’ Official Book of Ultima (v1) p32, 33:
Then again, interviews usually have at least a few details that aren’t quite right, or that fluctuate with the person’s memory over time, so could be either way.