Monthly Archive: August 2011

Nuvie: Official Release v0.2

Nuvie: Official Release v0.2

Eric Fry has just posted the second official release — at version 0.2 — of Nuvie, his Exult-like front-end for Ultima 6 (and, one day, Savage Empire and Martian Dreams as well).

Ultima Aiera Turns Seven Today!

Ultima Aiera Turns Seven Today!

Seven years ago today, Ultima Aiera was launched as an alternative to Ultima: The Reconstruction (another project archive), and the home of The Ultima Orphanage. My, how things have changed!

BioWare Becomes Its Own EA Label

BioWare Becomes Its Own EA Label

Electronic Arts has promoted BioWare from an EA Games studio to a label within the company on par with EA Games itself; BioWare is now EA’s dedicated RPG label.