To celebrate the release of Wing Commander 1 & 2 on Good Old Games today, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present a comparison of how the Wing Commander 2 introduction sounds on a SoundBlaster card versus on a Roland MT-32.
To celebrate the release of Wing Commander 1 & 2 on Good Old Games today, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present the introductory videos from Wing Commander 1, Wing Commander 2, and the addons to the latter.
Good Old Games promised us more games from EA’s large catalogue of titles, and they have delivered! A combo-pack of Wing Commander 1 & 2 has been released today, alongside Dungeon Keeper 2!
The Video Game Writers have listed Ultima 4 as one of the best sequels ever, one of six video game sequels that “got it right” and made the series even better.
The Ultima 6 Mod for Exult — now known as the Ultima 6 Remake for Exult, it seems — has moved away from its MySpace-based website, has posted updates of its progress, and needs help from GIMP artists and usecoders.
Browncoat Jayson has been posting a series of articles to The Digital Lycaeum detailing the various details and resources that would-be developers of Ultima games and fan projects should take note of.
Good Old Games has announced that they will be adding more great titles from EA’s large catalogue later this week (Thursday, in fact). Could some Ultima games be on that list?
The third installment in the Deus Ex series — and a prequel to the original Warren Spector game — was launched today to glowing reviews which herald it as a return to everything that made the first game great.
Kevin Fishburne’s Ultima-inspired online RPG engine has seen many improvements, especially to atmospheric effects, since last we heard news of it. Oh, and he’s implemented OpenGL-accelerated graphics, as well.