Titans of Ether: Minoc and Other Screenshots
I missed reporting on the Minoc screenshots that were published at the end of June by the Titans of Ether, which is a shame…because it’s very clear that they are doing something right:
Since then, they have added even more screenshots to the site, previewing random areas from “all over the world” of Britannia. Here’s one I was particularly fond of:
I have no idea where it is, but it sure is pretty.
I’m taking this as a good sign…we don’t usually see this much new content from the Titans in such a short span of time; can we take this as a sign that things are coming to a head with the project?
Now -that- is what a bridge in Britannia is supposed to look like! This is what u9 was supposed to be like! I have currently lost control of my bowels.
It is a pretty bridge. Though to be fair, there were some very nice stone bridges near Britain in Ascension. A fitting style, though not one befitting the otherwise small, mostly unremarkable city nearby.
I do not envy you the cleanup task ahead of you, by the way.
Wow, these are amazing!
That second screenshot though…. that could be almost anywhere near the Serpent’s Spine. At first I was thinking near the Shame Entrance (Lost Lake), but really this could near Cove or even the borders of Spiritwood and the Spine. Though probably this is just a random wilderness location that isn’t really near any major landmark.
Certainly has a bit of a “Cove” feeling for me as well, Iceblade, though I’m not entirely sure why. Looks like there may be a path leading up to the waterfall? That said, if “r06” refers to a region, do any mountainous regions’ names in Ultima start with R?
I’m also wondering if this is MGSO or just MGE (depending on how many stock Morrowind assets Redemption is using).
No MGE, no MGSO, just FPS Optimizer and in the shot you’re talking about no stock MW asset beside the rock models (NOT the texture though).
the r in the shots stands for random and the screenshot is actually from the east side of the mountains west of Trinsic (Destard entrance on other side).
PS: happy you all like the pictures. stop by our forum if you feel like it.
Gunna try this comment thing again…
Don’t worry about the mess, my chair has a built in bedpan. My lifelong dream has been fulfilled!
It’d be interesting to see how MGE would handle those screens…