New (But Orphaned) Project: ZXU4
Zedex Dragon was, for a time, building a custom version of Ultima 4 for a computer of his own designing, the ZX Spectrum SE.
Zedex Dragon was, for a time, building a custom version of Ultima 4 for a computer of his own designing, the ZX Spectrum SE.
Fearyourself’s Ultima-inspired game engine project proceeds apace, with the addition of a healer in Brittany.
Zeph’s Ultima-themed texture pack for MineCraft has been updated.
An issue with deprecated OS functions in the latest version of OS X — code-named “Lion” — causes SDL-based games to crash.
G4TV presents a restrospective look at the storied history of System Shock and the many and varied issues that have long prevented the creation of a sequel or the release of the series on sites like Good Old Games.
The xu4 team have made a few more tweaks and improvements to xu4’s performance, and have also made significant progress in a “new” tileset for the game.
Andy Panthro’s Ultima-themed texture pack for MineCraft has been updated.
Shyrion Dragon has launched the website for his project to produce a Spanish translation of Ultima V: Lazarus.
The Titans of Ether have posted a whole bunch of new, random screenshots…in addition to the Minoc screenshots that I previously forgot to report about.
Shyrion Dragon has begun a project to produce a Spanish translation of Ultima V: Lazarus. If you’d be interested in helping him out in this monumental task, make yourself known!
Courtesy of Bill Randolph and Joe Garrity of the Origin Muesum, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present a series of design documents for Martian Dreams, covering areas such as the game’s alpha testing, the clue path and plot, the planned dream world encounters, maps, tilesets, and in-game flags.